Original presentations for ADT summer of 2017
Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is
empowerment in itself. Gloria Steinem
Talking to ourselves or to others
Self-Affirmations (speaking to ourselves)
I think, therefore I am Rene Descartes
Talking to ourselves or to others
Self-Affirmations (speaking to ourselves)
I think, therefore I am Rene Descartes
--not as statements because
the sub conscious rejects anything that isn’t what you believe already
--Ask yourself empowering
questions with the word why i.e. why am I such a great trainer
--pep talks
--Stop negative self-talk
and let go of negative people in your life
Speak with confidence
Fake Until You Make It
Speaking to Others
Control your speech
Setting boundaries
Strengthen Your Internal Boundaries
Learn how to say no
Never apologize for doing your job
because you will be seen as timid.People will tend to walked on you.
Self-Awareness---fill in the blank to the following statement to help yourself to set boundaries
People may not____I have a right to ask for ___
To protect my time and energy, it's OK to___
Find truth about what people are saying and self think
How much of this is true about me?
How much of this is about the other person?
Find support and use specific language--tell people what you need
Power Phrases
How to deal with difficult people with just a few questions
How to deal with difficult people with just a few questions
That’s interesting
Tell me more
Why would you say that?
Why would you do that?
Why would you ask that?
“Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” Helen Keller
Good posture
Superman pose
Believe in your own strengths
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right Henry Ford
Higher power than yourself
My higher power is God
Meditate/pray—allows you to disconnect from all of the sound around you and to listen to yourself and your higher power
When you're able to connect to your higher power you come to realize you're not alone
Where there is no vision, the people perish.. Proverbs 29:18

Basketball study
At a college there was a study done where there the basketball team was divided into three groups
The first group was told to practice making free throws every day
The second group was told to visualized themselves making free throws every day
The third group was told to do nothing.
After some time the groups were brought back
The first group improved by 24%.
The second group—who never touched a basketball but instead imagined themselves shooting perfect free throws—showed a nearly identical improvement of 23%.
The third group who did nothing did not improve, which was expected.
Excellent article about visualization, The History, Science, and How-To of Visualization
Vision Boards

Vision/Goals/Dreams Worksheet
Les Brown You Gotta Be Hungry
Make a to do list/bucket list
Continually Learning (list from an earlier post "Let Your Song Be Song And Don't Stand In Your Own Way")
1. Does your work place offer training opportunities?
2. Does your employer offer an educational fund?
3. Ask for a personal/professional mentor
4. Online College courses
5. On campus College courses
6. Community education
7. Gyms
8. Music teachers
9. Library
10. Online resources:
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Grateful Worksheet
"The World Health Association has stated by 2020, worldwide depression and anxiety will be the number one disability. In the United States 25% of women are now taking antidepressant medication,anti-anxiety medication, or both; men are close behind." Breathe to Heal | Max Strom | TEDxCapeMay
Back in 1992-1993 I was serving a mission for my church. It was the first time I was truly away from my home, parents, friends, family and everything familiar and I got home sick. I was challenged by my mission president in my personal prayers to only have prayers of thankfulness...the first prayer was difficult because I didn't see anything to be grateful for..it went "Thank you for the blue sky? Amen" the second one was as awkward as the first "Thank for the blue sky and green grass? Amen"...this went on for a whole month. By the end of the month I had a very long list of things I was truly thankful....interestingly during that time I noticed how green the grass was getting, how beautiful and kind the people I was serving were and I no longer missed home/family...etc----nothing changed the grass didn't get greener nor did the people get kinder....what changed was me. I know practicing gratefulness can change the world around you.
Forgive yourself as well as others
on Others
and strengthen relationships that make you think of others rather than
--Help to empower others
to Empower Others Experiment
1) Have one person from the group sit with their back toward a blank wall--have them close their eyes
1) Have one person from the group sit with their back toward a blank wall--have them close their eyes
2) Have the rest of the group (each person in the group) write one positive thing about the person on a piece of paper
2) Have them tape the paper on the wall behind the person sitting with their back toward the wall
3) Have the person open their eyes when everyone has put their paper on the wall and allow them to look at the words
4) Take a picture of them in front of the paper
5) Allow them to take the piece of paper with them
6) Email the pictures
6) Email the pictures
This is a picture of when I did this presentation at ATD in Reno NV
Ending Song to presentation
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Picture of when I did a similar presentation at Eldorado for the Trainers in April 2017
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