My friends from Facebook answered the following Question
Kaylynn N

Susan P
Whisper oil
Beth S

Dan H
3 things:
I. want to make sure I'm not fretting about the past, you can't let the past be an emotional cauldron that upsets you. Can't do anything about the past except learn from it do that without emotion.
2. don't fret about the future, you can't do anything about the future except wisley plan for it by the actions of today using the lessons of the past.
3. if I still don't feel good I smile and take a deep breath or two. Because once I've cleared my mind if I still don't feel good it's because I'm not breathing right. A lack of oxygen can put you in a fog.
Dawn L
Michelle F
Mindlessly scroll through Facebook
Nancy A
I pray for strength and guidance. I always ask for guidance. Without it we are walking in the dark and I like walking in the light.
Michelle S

Sandy H
Pray. Sometimes I make something and just take my mind off of it for awhile.
Cheri J
Trust the Lord
Avalon G
Clean like crazy. Takes my mind of things and is highly productive. Once my home is clean I can even think clearer and get inspiration to solve the problem.

Chris M
Annette H
Music and watch the secret
AnnMarie CB
Depends on what type. One at a time.
Theresa W
Know that my God and my Lord has it all taken care of. I do my best to give it to him and know that whatever the outcome, it's His will and he will use all things for my good and His Glory!
ReNae R
Take one day at a time and try to see the positive
Chuck F
If Linda knows I am stressing...she tells me to go play golf
Jennifer L
Pray, my prayer room is my favorite place
Debbie O
Keep busy. That’s what works best for me.
Nancy G
Christine R
I swear cry a little release the stress. Get over it and tackle the situation. I will be honest, I don't pray. I do believe in God but I have chit chats with the power upstairs. I'm more the type to put on a pair of boot straps and grab the bull by the

Lori C
Pray....and then pray some more.
Steve W
I try to get close to the source of the Still Small Voice. I try to bring into imagination, Christ's 9 Beatitudes and cloak myself with them.
Maer R
Meditate, pray, regroup and move forward with a smile.
Melody B
Pray first and then I like to watch something silly to make me laugh. My mom likes to say "Pray first and then watch I Love Lucy next"
Banderas L
Just let time do its job, and prying God Love you

Samantha P
Music, shop, dye hair or eat sweets
Donna E
A hot tub of Epson Salts water, and go to bed. things always look better when you are rested and not hurting.
Leah T
Pray. I remember that God gives us what we need at exactly the right time. I relax and let go. When things are at their worst, it's only because He's making space for something great. Trust it. Sometimes I go moment to moment. It can be hard. Sing a hymn
Reece W
Pray and hum a happy tune counting my blessings.
Larry S
Eat a tuna fish sandwich
Tara S
I sing in my car like I'm on stage, using my cell phone as a microphone. Of course I sound great with the music up loud lol.
Alan L
Get on my knees and pray.
Jodianne S
pray and eat
Ashley M
I always try to stand tall and stay humble,with endurance
Stella M
Just be cool
Greg E
One step at a time, one day at a time and remember, this too shall pass.
Kathleen B
I like to read the promise of uplifting words.
Henry B Eyring said, “The Lord promised peace to His disciples as He was about to leave them. He has made the same promise to us. But He said that He would give peace in His way, not in the world’s way.He described His way of sending peace:
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you”.
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:26–27).
Remembering may be one of the most precious gifts the Spirit can give you. He will “bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever [the Lord has] said unto you” (John 14:26). The memory may be of an answered prayer… or, of a moment when you saw God’s guiding hand in your life…”
-Thomas S. Monson shared these words, “As we seek our Heavenly Father through fervent, sincere prayer and earnest, dedicated scripture study, our testimonies will become strong and deeply rooted. We will know of God’s love for us. We will understand that we do not ever walk alone. I promise you that you will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you.”
-I pray and remember I’m not alone. I know Heavenly Father hears and will answer prayers in the way that is best for me.
Verónica F
I breathe deeply and look at trees, closely, by focusing on at the space between the leaves. It grounds me. Or I pick up a stone or crystal and reflect on how many years it took to become. Puts my moment in perspective. Nature is my source of re-grounding.
Robin G
I put uplifting or reassuring words on Post Its and put them places where I know I'll see them.
Rich H
I count my blessings. There is always blessings, tender mercies. Sometimes if you are focused on the tough time, you miss them. So I count my blessings and I see the tender mercies much quicker. Gratitude is one of my favorite go to processes.
Kaeli B
(LDS) General conference talks, chocolate, and love from (my husband).

Vincent T
Go Gym or Run, to get better and stronger

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