I gave this presentation to the trainers at Eldorado 7/21/2017
Original prezi How to Deal with Change
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown H.P. Lovecraft
Stage 2 to 3 Doubt to Reality
This should be a time of gathering accurate, valid information about the change in order to get as clear a picture of your reality as possible
Cat checking out reality
Discomfort to Motivation
You need to focus on the present and be deliberate about motivating yourself to take the next best action steps
Danger Zone
"Recipients become extremely overwhelmed. Their discomfort can turn into paralysis or even depression and they find themselves unable to take action. It is characterized by the urge to give up, picturing oneself as helpless, covering up emotions and feeling inadequate. Change leaders can help by skillfully motivating the change participants to break down tasks into smaller steps, helping participants to prioritize, creating mental distractions and committing to physical action. Oddly enough, at a time when everything seems so overwhelming, the best course of action can be to take a break from it all. Taking small steps, having patience and permitting breaks will get everyone through it"
When we are having negative thoughts of any type our brains naturally go into the reptilian zone—this is good for survival—this is the part of the brain that tells us to either fight, flight become paralyzed. Good for survival but not so good for every day life.
What Can I Do?
Time to create goals
How do you really want to spend your time on earth?
What’s really important to you?
Where do you see yourself wasting your time and energy?
Ask for help
Be OK asking for help. Create and maintain support systems for yourself when you are going through major changes.
If the need for order in your life is strong, change will have a greater impact upon you, be a bigger challenge. You will need more support, but most likely be less able to ask for it
Write down at least one intention statement that will help you become more adaptable or better able to cope with changes in your life and work.
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone, Yubing Zhang, TEDxStanford
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone
It’s Never as Scary as it Looks
What type of changes do you need to make in your life?
What are you going to do to go to the End of Your Comfort Zone?
Picture from presentation
We Need CHANGE! Funny Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLgxr9MARYs
Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holmes_and_Rahe_stress_scale
The Big Bang Theory - Episode 1 (Pilot). Sheldon’s sitting spot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2hIIvF5gJI
Meet Your Brain http://www.birthintobeing.com/meet_your_brain
The Psychology Of Dealing With Change https://www.psycom.net/dealing-with-change
Coping with Change http://www.factivities.com/change_management/CopingwithChange.html
The Change Cycle™ Overview https://changecycle.com/change-cycle/
This Cat is Afraid of Change - Funny Scared Cat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs4tmdfIAE0
Danger Zone
TEDMED Live Talk by Dr. Madan Kataria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hf2umYCKr8&t=325s
Asleep in 60 seconds: 4-7-8 breathing technique claims to help you nod off in just a minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz4G31LGyog
What’s The Quickest Way To Success? Ending This One Habit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab7bJ2j4DDk
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone, Yubing Zhang, TEDxStanford https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmN4xOGkxGo
Original prezi How to Deal with Change
A humorous look at change
Change Activity
Change Activity/Debriefing
A) How does change typically effect you?
B) Write down what you discovered about yourself
A) What does change look like to you?
B) Write down what you discovered about yourself
A) Get out of your chair and walk outside the room backwards, out through one door, down the hall to some predetermined position and back into the room and into your seat
B) Write down what you discovered about yourself
Look at your discovery statements. Look at your habitual patterns in dealing with change. Here are some questions that may help.
- How did these changes make you feel about yourself? Other people in the room?
- Did you ask for help when you were going through stress caused by changes?
- What thoughts came up as you experienced these changes?
- Do you feel that you were able to adapt quickly or more slowly to the changes that you were asked to make?
- Were your responses to these exercises typical of how you respond to change?
- What worked for you? What didn’t?
Quote- How did these changes make you feel about yourself? Other people in the room?
- Did you ask for help when you were going through stress caused by changes?
- What thoughts came up as you experienced these changes?
- Do you feel that you were able to adapt quickly or more slowly to the changes that you were asked to make?
- Were your responses to these exercises typical of how you respond to change?
- What worked for you? What didn’t?
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown H.P. Lovecraft
Change effects our body’s similar to how stress does
Take the Holmes and Rahe Stress Evaluation and good ideas about how to deal with change/stress
Some times change is big and sometimes it’s small
Have you ever experienced the following? You normally sit in a particular spot and one day someone sits in it? How did it make you feel?
The Big Bang Theory - Episode 1 (Pilot). Sheldon’s sitting spot
The Change Cycle
The following is the the Change Cycle and everyone goes through it, some people go through it slower or faster than others
Take the Holmes and Rahe Stress Evaluation and good ideas about how to deal with change/stress
Some times change is big and sometimes it’s small
Have you ever experienced the following? You normally sit in a particular spot and one day someone sits in it? How did it make you feel?
The Change Cycle
The following is the the Change Cycle and everyone goes through it, some people go through it slower or faster than others

The Change Cycle™ Overview
Danger Zone
Danger Zone
Stage 2 to 3 Doubt to Reality
This should be a time of gathering accurate, valid information about the change in order to get as clear a picture of your reality as possible
Cat checking out reality
Discomfort to Motivation
You need to focus on the present and be deliberate about motivating yourself to take the next best action steps
Danger Zone
"Recipients become extremely overwhelmed. Their discomfort can turn into paralysis or even depression and they find themselves unable to take action. It is characterized by the urge to give up, picturing oneself as helpless, covering up emotions and feeling inadequate. Change leaders can help by skillfully motivating the change participants to break down tasks into smaller steps, helping participants to prioritize, creating mental distractions and committing to physical action. Oddly enough, at a time when everything seems so overwhelming, the best course of action can be to take a break from it all. Taking small steps, having patience and permitting breaks will get everyone through it"
When we are having negative thoughts of any type our brains naturally go into the reptilian zone—this is good for survival—this is the part of the brain that tells us to either fight, flight become paralyzed. Good for survival but not so good for every day life.
What Can I Do?
- Discomfort with change is a normal reaction
- Acknowledge the loss
- Expect to progress through the stages of change
- Evaluate Your Level of Control
- Practice Self-Care
- Create change-free zones--safe spaces and structures for yourself that don’t change.
- Does the ringing phone run your life? Create space and time in your life. Simplify, eliminate excess clutter, meaning excess stuff in your environment and excess activities in your life.
- Take extra good care of yourself. Set strong personal boundaries about what you will and won’t do or accept. Put your basic physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs first. Sometimes you can just say “no” to change or to others’ requests.
- Check Your Thought Patterns
- Remind yourself about transitions and challenges you successfully navigated in the past
- Make a list of ways you’ve been resilient in your life, and consider what traits and actions might be able to see you through the current challenge
- Reframe change
- You can see it as opportunity, as creative tension, as enlivening
- You always have a choice over how you will react to change, both “inner” and “outer.”
- You can be reactive or proactive
- Be In the Present
Get in tune with your body - No change leads to stagnation. Too much change leads to insanity. Discover your own healthy level of change.
- Check in with yourself daily. Ask yourself, “what do I need right now?”
Become grounded - Remember to Breathe
- Find Your Priorities
Time to create goals
How do you really want to spend your time on earth?
What’s really important to you?
Where do you see yourself wasting your time and energy?
Ask for help
Be OK asking for help. Create and maintain support systems for yourself when you are going through major changes.
If the need for order in your life is strong, change will have a greater impact upon you, be a bigger challenge. You will need more support, but most likely be less able to ask for it
Write down at least one intention statement that will help you become more adaptable or better able to cope with changes in your life and work.
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone, Yubing Zhang, TEDxStanford
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone
It’s Never as Scary as it Looks
What type of changes do you need to make in your life?
What are you going to do to go to the End of Your Comfort Zone?
Picture from presentation
We Need CHANGE! Funny Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLgxr9MARYs
Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holmes_and_Rahe_stress_scale
The Big Bang Theory - Episode 1 (Pilot). Sheldon’s sitting spot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2hIIvF5gJI
Meet Your Brain http://www.birthintobeing.com/meet_your_brain
The Psychology Of Dealing With Change https://www.psycom.net/dealing-with-change
Coping with Change http://www.factivities.com/change_management/CopingwithChange.html
The Change Cycle™ Overview https://changecycle.com/change-cycle/
This Cat is Afraid of Change - Funny Scared Cat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs4tmdfIAE0
Danger Zone
TEDMED Live Talk by Dr. Madan Kataria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hf2umYCKr8&t=325s
Asleep in 60 seconds: 4-7-8 breathing technique claims to help you nod off in just a minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz4G31LGyog
What’s The Quickest Way To Success? Ending This One Habit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab7bJ2j4DDk
Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone, Yubing Zhang, TEDxStanford https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmN4xOGkxGo
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